Welcome to a selection of excerpts from the book I'm currently working on.

I'm so thrilled to share them with you and welcome your feedback!!

As I connected the dots around why I was having so much difficulty with food, and then later, with body pain, a whole new reality opened up for me. 

  • What did I really want?
  • What were the source of the problems blocking me?
  • What was going to heal me when nothing else had worked before?
CLICK HERE for Book Intro & Overview

I found that outer transformation comes from inner transformation, and not the other way around!  I developed a group of 5 skills, plus tracking and action-taking tools that unlock us.

  • Why a focus on changing the outside of a human leads to short-term gains with long-term costs.

  • How to look inward without commentary from our "inner critic," (the gremlins).

  • Why various forms of simple tracking are so effective and can be the catalyst for major breaththroughs.

CLICK HERE for a Client's Story: Maya's Breakthrough

Movement is WAY more than "exercise".

  • Find out how to protect vital body functions through relaxing movement.
  • Learn a fresh way of choosing what to do.
  • How to go with the flow of your energy each day.
CLICK HERE for true-to-you Movement
Download The 5 Essential Skills

Do you dream of resolving your food challenges??

Sign up here to receive my inspirational weekly newsletter with lots of helpful tips!

"Let us make a thoughtful transition to non-toxic, plant-based eating, in harmony with Nature, protecting our health, the animals, and the future of life on planet Earth."  ~ Susan A. Casserd