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Where To Focus Your Healing Powers First For Long-Lasting Change

#crossovermethod #habitchange #healingjourney #hope #stress Mar 11, 2023

I want to emphasize that no one has to start with food when making healthier changes on behalf of their body temple, and sometimes it is more effective and time-efficient to begin in a different, but related area. 

Perhaps you want to improve your sleep first, which in turn could greatly raise your energy, produce clearer thinking, and cause you to be more active, leading to feeling better.  Once you start feeling better, it’s way easier to make the choices that truly serve you.  Sleep is so important that the Founder of The DOC Journey (, Dr. David Hanscom, addresses sleep first when treating chronic pain patients, including the use of prescription medication when needed to get a full night's rest.

The first step for you might be to create the conditions more likely to invite sleep.  That might mean buying blue-light blocking glasses to wear in the evening, to help support your circadian rhythm.  For other people, it might be getting used to turning their cell phone off at night or changing the ambience of their bedroom. 

Others might like to start their healing process by weeding out their personal care products and finding replacements for the ones containing toxic ingredients.  The Environmental Working Group ( is a fantastic database of consumer products rated for level of toxicity.  Even name brands that identify as “natural” or “organic” can contain surprising amounts of heavy metals, poisonous chemicals, and other contaminants.  You can also find out what's in your tap water from this database.  Wouldn’t you want to know this??

Still other people might prefer to start the process by spending less time around harmful or unsupportive “toxic” people or watch less news.  That’s why I say, it’s up to you where it will feel best to start and what you want to work on first.  Generally, we want to address “the thorn in the paw” first; that most stressful, thorny issue you’re already aware of.  As difficult as this concern may be for you, we always want to address our challenges with care and compassion and not from the energy of "getting rid of." 

With my Crossover Method, nothing is done "cold turkey."  Instead we gradually integrate new elements into what we're doing now and take the time it takes to adapt them to our routine.  We give ourselves time to fully understand the role the "less good" choices were playing for us and connect the dots of our life path so far.  This is the exact opposite to what we're usually told, which is to jump tracks into something we're not used to, because it's "better for us."  The Crossover Method takes more time but it is long lasting because we aren't skipping any steps that can come back to frustrate us later.  

It is so important to stay on life-affirming pathways and avoid going down the road of "why me?" or repeatedly putting the focus on other disempowering aspects of what you're going through.  The question, “Where do we go from here?” or "What do I want to grow into?" is a door-opener to happiness and progress. I hope there will be many “aha!” moments on this path for you!

“Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.”-Viktor E. Frankl, M.D, author, Man’s Search For Meaning.

Through this healing journey brought to light by challenges with food or chronic pain, an opportunity is presenting itself for raising our awareness and greatly enhancing our life.  Creating joy where there used to be a focus on pain.  Owning all of it unconditionally. Causing our bodies to release tonic, feel-good chemicals instead of the toxic chemicals that flood our blood stream and chew up our tissues (Hanscom) under ongoing stressful conditions.

The choice is yours to make.  You have free will at all times. Each moment is a new opportunity to make great choices that fit you.  The discomfort you feel in your physical body can be relieved.  It just takes expanding some more in your life journey of self-discovery.

You decide what pace is best for you.  This is the path of self-love, and empathic self-care, where nothing occurs until you are ready for it. Yours is the voice that matters more than anyone else’s in regard to what you will and won’t do, and when.

Even if you feel overwhelmed right now or have no idea how to take the first step on this new, exciting path of gentle health upliftment, I will show you how—naturally! 

You don’t have to figure it out alone, you just decide to put your key in the lock, and step through the door into a new world of compassionate leadership for your body, mind, and soul.


“I am willing to release the need for this condition. I take a nice, deep breath and release all resistance to healing.” -by Louise Hay, author, Wisdom Cards


“In the cave you fear to enter lies the treasure you seek.” -Joseph Campbell


“The challenges in our lives are not an indication that there’s anything wrong with us; instead, they’re merely part of our journey to take us back to ourselves.” -Anita Moorjani, author.








For an overview of how to break free of overeating, emotional eating, dieting, and food addiction or simply transition to healthier habits, download my free guide, "REthink Weight Loss"


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