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Peace Is The Way Of Health

#breath #healingjourney #innerpeace #weightloss Feb 24, 2023

"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by which we arrive at that goal." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dieting is not a peaceful endeavor.  It is filled with "getting rid of" energy, which temporarily makes us feel better, like cleaning out the closets.  We want to "get rid of" part of our physical body, blaming our fat for our demise.  Our holding back all of us, our hiding unpleasant parts of ourselves, feeling "less than" someone we feel has a "better body."  It is a process of rejection and fixing, which can never lead to a happy life.  

"Only creating a happy life leads to a happy life."  -David Hanscom, MD

Peace is a process, a way of being in the world, but of a higher vibration.  You see the struggles going on in the world but you see them with objectivity, you're not so caught up in it. When the struggles are personal to you, you have a place within, to practice your compassionate  self-care.  This is how to keep yourself focused on spiritual qualities and values rather than the short-term appearances within the material world.  What things "look like" on the surface is not necessarily what they are.

As mentor, fine arts painter Bill Cumming would always say, "What does 'looks like,' look like???

Peace is becoming still enough to hear the gentle, quiet voice within providing ongoing, loving guidance even in the midst of chaos, disharmony.

Making it a point to tune in every day, multiple times a day, keeps us connected to our Life Force, a deeper purpose for being here at this time in history.  This is ultimately done through the breath, through meditation. In time, our interior becomes very stabilized.  Here's what I've learned in recent years:

There are many legitimate concerns we all live with.  There is swirl going on around us, and it is so easy to get caught up in it.  This pulls us away from what's most meaningful to us, and keeps us focused on a wheel of disharmonious treatment of each other.  Thoughts of comparison, judgement, are really a cover-up of our own insecure role in the world.  We cannot get there by our own brains alone...we need to be in regular contact with our center, our Life Force, God, The Presence.  Touching base with our inner Goodness.  It is a revelation to recognize our own awareness, feel that voice within.

Without this, we have to rely on the human realm, believing we are the "superior" creatures to inhabit the Earth.  But the quantum field we are bathed in and cannot be separated from, is of a different realm, a much higher, deeper, pure realm of this now moment conscious awareness. When we tune into THAT, we automatically receive the love, support and guidance that is invisible to the senses.

The material world we see is not the eternal (ongoing) place of peace we wish it was.  We have to go deeper, beyond what we think we know.  There is a degree of trust we develop in this Life Force that no human can give us.  The inner world IS your inner wealth, health, abundance, and happiness just waiting for you to tap in.

This is an abstract concept but becomes super-real the more we nourish our self-care, and live from our values.  If we stay with the belief that only what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears is the real world, we have blocked the gift of access to the eternal, cosmic world that exists whether we are aware of it or not.

As we increase our skill and frequency of listening intently to our intuitive, still small voice, the one that doesn't shout but quietly, gently points the way, we enter into the most powerful, personal peace process of all time.  What I've noticed is that my ego is much less influential on my thoughts as I put my attention on that which is eternal and no longer feel I have to defend myself.  I am pulling away from defense and moving toward grace.

We're not really "creating" peace, we're accessing that which is already there within.

We're calming our nervous system, bringing down our stress chemicals, and entering into a feeling state of gratitude in our pathway of peace.  This is the path of self-acceptance, self-compassion and kindness.  Love for self and all living things becomes front and center for us. 

In this realm, weight loss has a whole different trajectory.  It is based in quietude, love, acceptance and appreciation for "what is."  These qualities are revealed to us, and as we embrace them, take them up, move them front and center of our conscious awareness (by returning many times a day) they grow strong.  Very strong.  We no longer need "willpower" to fire us up enough to take action consistently.  In its place we have our personal resting place of peace that only grows and glows with each tuning-in touch of our hearts.

There is a place of peace

within us all,

a center of utter calm,

of love for self

and all living things.  

You are complete harmony

when you choose to let it flow~






For an overview of how to break free of overeating, emotional eating, dieting, and food addiction or simply transition to healthier habits, download my free guide, "REthink Weight Loss"


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