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Journey To The Heart of Who You Are, Part I

#crossovermethod #healingjourney #hope Feb 08, 2023

"Between who you once were and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really takes place." -unknown, posted by Gregg Braden

When we are on the path of our healing journey, activating this golden pathway of our potential, and unpleasant things are coming up to the surface, they are appearing in order to be healed.  From this perspective, automatically there is no blame of others or of self, because we're looking through the eyes of self-love and the idea that we are on-purpose.  We're looking with the intention to see things differently, to heal, and to uncover what blocks us.  We're looking much deeper, well beyond the superficial layer of what our physical eyes can see.  This is a gift only you can give yourself by consciously allowing it to occur.

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." -Rumi

There is a divine element of intuitive organization to it--the experiences coming our way are there based on what we're ready to contemplate.  In this sense, I trust that I will be able to handle it and I always know I have the option to set aside for now what I don't feel ready for.  I don't feel like I "failed" because I know there must be a gap that needs filling in before I'm ready for that next step.  How healing it is to view life this way!  A release of the ego!

Really looking candidly at myself for the purpose of learning and growth through awareness, gains traction through humility.  Being humble and taking myself lightly and yet respecting my uniqueness has helped me accept subconscious patterns in myself that cause misperceptions that block receptivity and progress.  I find that when I'm ready, looking at difficult habits in myself, not to "fix," but to evolve from, is so rewarding!!!  When I am willing to accept whatever I find, it is a relief!  As I've gotten clearer, I find so much humor in my foibles.  Awareness is really its own reward.  What's scary is hanging onto what no longer serves.

"When we're on the verge of a breakthrough the distractions tend to get louder--resistance, fidgeting, and the rising up of debris that was formerly suppressed or repressed as a coping mechanism."- Michael Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center.

Feeling triggered, where fear, doubt, worry, erroneous self-concepts and insecurities may cause us to react in ways that aren't helpful, is a great indicator to us that this is an area ready for our rapt attention.  We just have to tolerate with grace our boo-boos!  But this is where the Light wants to come in and illuminate the truth of you, the love of you, the miracle of you.


If we reject this opportunity because it seems like we're taking a step backwards (for example, saying to myself, "shouldn't I already be past this?" or "am I doing it wrong?") then we have shut off a vital conduit to our wellness path.  We are always returning to the same ground with new eyes, that's one of the things that makes awakening and awareness so amazing.  As we spiral up in our development to higher vibe states, happier states, our foundation is a place of comfort and support when facing our issues that we want to evolve.  It's our "base camp."

Although it can feel like it, we're not really backtracking because we've already caught a glimmer of what's next when we were feeling en pointe.  We've already seen beyond where we are, we've felt the possibility of our next iteration, and now we can fulfill the task of filling in gaps, steadying ourselves, and then jumping into what's next.

What emerges when we see the truth below the surface conditions of our lives, is the great vastness of our glorious, intimate connection to the whole of life.  In that space, we are never alone.






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