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Within A Calm Nervous System, HEALING Occurs

#breath #crossovermethod #healingjourney #hope Feb 16, 2023

Right now, feel the air coming in through your nostrils, the sensation of it.  Breathe in and out a few times, observing this.  You are now in the present moment.  The breath is supremely effective in connecting us to this right now moment.  Because of how we’re wired biologically, deep, slow relaxed breathing automatically calms our nervous system.  When it comes to resolving food issues, chronic mental or physical pain, or anything that isn't supporting your health and wellbeing, a calm nervous system is the springboard for everything good.

Now breathe in through your nostrils again, this time directing the air down into your belly, letting your belly expand to receive the air (no worries if that's hard to do at first, just try your best).  Pause.  Slowly release this breath out through pursed lips.  Repeat the cycle and consciously slow it down, both the inbreathe and the outbreath.  Four breaths in, pausing to a count of 4, and releasing through pursed lips in four slow beats.  There are many, many ways to breathe consciously but this is a great basic pattern to start.

You are now calming your nervous system, which in turn, allows healing to occur.  You are being with the sensations of your body and creating a sense of safety at your command to do so. This can be the start of a huge shift of consciousness where you become more resilient in facing less pleasant sensations, knowing you can breathe yourself through it, start it, stop it, or slow it down to fit what you feel ready for.  This is self-love.




For an overview of how to break free of overeating, emotional eating, dieting, and food addiction or simply transition to healthier habits, download my free guide, "REthink Weight Loss"


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