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Food, the Planet and Ourselves

#crossovermethod #habitchange #healingjourney #successwithfood Jan 19, 2023

Since this is a blog about habit change and food, I want you to know right away where I stand in regard to nutrition.  A commonly asked question is “what is the best diet?”  As you know, there are so many conflicting opinions.  Keto?  Vegan?  Mediterranean?  In my classes with the Functional Nutrition Alliance and Josh Gitalis, several things became clear to me about food items, healing with food, weight loss and food habits. 

First, that any food consumed and digested while we are in a state of stress is likely to have a bumpy ride through the digestive system and be poorly absorbed.  I have helped people with fabulous, customized nutrition who were still persistently experiencing digestive distress.  So it was about more than the food itself.

Second, healing with food, a most wonderful process, is wholly and completely individual.  There is no “one size fits all” approach.  There is no specific “ideal” nutrition for everyone all the time; instead, our body’s needs change over time and require a shift in our choices.  But how do you do that when you feel so addicted and desperate when certain substances are unavailable?  Like your morning coffee, or the mid-day muffin or the drink and bag of chips on the couch after work? 

How does one navigate this when there are persistent cravings going on?  This is one reason why humans have sought in vain for that one key that will solve the problem. For many people, even when they become aware their food intake isn’t the best for them, tend to ignore the issue because they have been unsuccessful making changes so far.  It can feel very overwhelming.  Many things can get in the way:  time, economics, family or work obligations, availability of food, or being disappointed before.  

The diet mentality we were socialized with, which includes the wish for that one magic bullet, that one thing or one diet that will turn the tide on weight loss (and quickly) is not to be.  The truth, which by definition is sustainable, is that owning and operating a healthy body requires regular updates and dietary shifts for the system to flourish.  Food is not “hands free,” as enticing as that is to busy people.

There’s one more central consideration to enter into the equation.  Our global climate crisis is a crisis of out of control pollution and destruction of the natural world by humans.  Most of our food supply is also laced with pollutants, heavy metals, plastics. As unreal as it seems, we are heading for extinction, and we are not moving fast enough to slow it down.  The planet is inflamed.  It’s been well documented that our conventional system of food production plays a super-sized role, and that if we were all to contribute our part, by moving toward climate-friendly and sustainable, delicious cuisine, we would be taking hugely consequential action AND ownership of the situation. 

At this point, even if we were not directly responsible for the predicament we’re in, we will all be feeling the consequences and must take the lead for implementing the solutions in our own lives.  It's not a wise idea to wait for laws and regulations to change; we must get in there now with what we individually have control over...ourselves.

So the sustainable solutions are those that hit all the marks at once:  supply budget-friendly, tasty high-quality, non-toxic nutrients that are easy to prepare, protect the natural environment and treat all animals with deep kindness and respect.  As we demonstrate this, others near us are affected, and as they feel encouraged and can see what to do, those around them do too, and like waves emanating from a small pebble dropped into a pond, a grassroots beginning can become something big!  

If we were to stop supporting Big Ag and cut the government subsidies to it paid for by the people's taxes, we would automatically be contributing to stopping the planet from burning up

We have so much power in how we can utilize our consumer dollars as leverage for doing the right thing.  If we were to go ALL IN for what is good for us AND the planet, now we have an enduring plan.

So our eating plan has to meet our values around saving the life of the planet.  We need to have plenty of space and time to deplane from old eating habits and dependencies.  We can ease out of it smoothly instead of disappointing cold turkey that can relapse due to gaps in understanding.  We have to experience the world through our bodies before we're emotionally ready to move to the next stage in our lives.

This means more experimenting and less pressure on us.

Can't wait to tell you more about juicy, sustainable habit change!  

We are in this together~ 

For an overview of how to break free of overeating, emotional eating, dieting, and food addiction or simply transition to healthier habits, download my free guide, "REthink Weight Loss"


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